
Perspective For The Future (Part 3 and final) – 1/30/2022

Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
Perspective For The Future (Part 3 and final) - 1/30/2022

Virtual Service January 30, 2022

“Perspective for the Future” (Part 3 & final)
New year series   Frank W.R. Benoit

Introduction. Once we have a good or right perspective, we need to keep it as we move forward. We can’t forget the perspective we saw but we must follow what was laid out before us. So, we need to keep a right or a biblical perspective so that we don’t get sidetracked by circumstances/things that come. Today we finish our series “Perspective for the Future.” It has been to help us have a biblical perspective that can guide us and keep us on the right path and keep clear what we’ve learned:

  • About Him,
    • About what He has done in Jesus Christ and
    • About ourselves and how we should respond.

Part 3 – “Keep the Perspective!”

1. Romans 8:31-39.  We are safe and victorious in Christ.
Paul says that as believers we are safe. We’re defended by God! It is a result of what He did for us in Christ! In spite of the difficulties that we face, nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. We’re “more than conquerors through Him who loved us”!

2. 1 Peter 2:11-12. We must work to keep an excellent testimony before the world.
Peter is talking about our testimony before the unbelieving world. We must “keep [our] behavior excellent among the Gentiles (unbelievers).” Not only because we should “be holy” (1:15), but also because we are “aliens and strangers”. We are in the world but not of it, so we must keep a clear testimony of following/obeying Christ.

3. 1 Peter 3:8-9.  We should be a blessing to others.
Peter’s teaching here concludes a section on submission to authority in society, work, the home. “To sum up”, Peter exhorts believers to be Christlike, “not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving a blessing instead” (of getting even).

4. 1 Peter 3:13-17. We must be ready to respond for the hope that is in us (to anyone and “everyone” who asks). However they react, we must be ready to respond to them with the reason for why we believe, in a way that’s respectful (“with gentleness and reverence”). This requires studying the Bible, theology, doctrine, history, etc.

5. 1 Peter 4:12-19. We must be ready to suffer for Christ without being ashamed and entrust ourselves to God.
Peter says we should expect some degree of suffering if we live for Christ. Jesus told His disciples that the world would hate-persecute them just as it did Him (John 15:18-25, 16:1-4, 33). But God’s “judgment” would deal with them, so we should “entrust” ourselves to Him and keep “doing what is right”.

6. Jude 3-4, 17-25. We should contend for the faith, wait for Christ, as we are kept by God our Savior.
Jude exhorts-appeals to all believers to make a strenuous effort to defend the true faith that was given by Christ and the apostles, against the false teachers that twist it to their own advantage. And we need to keep waiting for Christ, knowing that we are kept by God.

Just to review:

  1. We are safe and victorious in Jesus Christ (Rom. 8).
  2. We must keep an excellent testimony before the unbelieving world.
  3. We must be a blessing to all by having a Christlike attitude.
  4. We need to be ready to respond to everyone about our faith in Christ.
  5. We should not be surprised if we suffer as a Christian but entrust ourselves to God’s care.
  6. We should contend for the faith, wait on Christ’s coming, while knowing we are kept by God.

Conclusion.To keep a right perspective for the future, we must know what the Bible teaches on:

* Who we are, who Jesus is and what He has done (1)

* Who God is, what the true gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection is, and the judgment to come (2)

* Our safe and victorious position in Christ, (3)

* Our testimony before the world as those who bless all, respond respectfully to all, and trust God (3)

* How we must contend for the faith, wait for Christ, know we are kept by God (3)

Perspective for the future comes from knowing the Bible, knowing who we are, who God is, what He has done in Jesus Christ, what the Gospel is that we should proclaim, and that Christ will come again in judgment. Let’s remember Who we have believed and be totally sure of where He is taking us as we trust Him! (1 Tim. 1:12)

Keep the right perspective by obeying God’s Word  (Eccles. 12:13-14) and by listening to Jesus Christ (Matt. 6:33-34)!!