
Wise People Seek Christ – 12/26/2021

Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
Wise People Seek Christ - 12/26/2021

Virtual Service December 26, 2021

“Wise people seek Christ” (Matt. 2:1-23)
Christmas series Dec. 26, 2021 Frank W.R. Benoit

Introduction – For many years one of the biblically-themed Christmas cards says, “Wise men still seek Him.” That is based on the story of the Magi, or Wise men, following the star that announced Jesus’ birth, in order to worship Him as the newborn King. Who were the Magi? Why are they included in the Christmas account? What do we learn from their part in the story? That part of the information about Jesus’ birth is told in Matt. 2:1-23, and we’ll be looking at it today.

1. The search of the Magi. 2:1-6 the Magi seek Jesus as the newborn king of the Jews. Who were they? They were Gentiles, not Jewish, but obviously had learned some OT prophecies related to the Messiah in their homeland. How and where did they learn them?

2. The worship of the Magi. 2:7-12 The Magi enter and worship Jesus and give Him gifts as offerings to show their faith. The focus is on Jesus, not his mother Mary, or Joseph, or anyone else.

3. The escape to Egypt. 2:13-15 Joseph takes the family to Egypt after being warned by God in a dream that Herod was going to kill Jesus. This fulfilled a prophetic scripture.

4. The revenge of Herod. 2:16-18 Herod has all the male babies in Bethlehem murdered to try and “catch” Jesus, whom he considered his rival and a threat to his dynasty. This fulfilled a prophetic scripture.

5. The return from Egypt. 2:19-23 Joseph brings the family back from Egypt and up to Nazareth. This fulfilled more prophetic scripture.

What we learn from Matt. 2
1. Jesus came to save all humanity and the Gospel message is for the whole world.

2. True worship is an expression of true faith and love for Jesus.

3. Following Jesus can bring persecution into a believer’s life.

4. God’s Word always comes to pass. Fulfilled Bible prophecy shows that the Bible is true.

Conclusion – “The magi were seeking the King; Herod was opposing the King; and the Jewish priests were ignoring the King. These priests knew the Scriptures and pointed others to the Saviour, but they would not go to worship Him themselves! They quoted Micah 5:2 but did not obey it. They were five miles from the very Son of God, yet they did not go to see Him! The Gentiles sought and found Him, but the Jews did not!”